Each day at 11:11 AM a new force of positive intentional energy is born it the world, and it will start a healing process for our souls on both a personal and a global level.
More and more we are understanding the power and the value of meditation, prayer, contemplation and intentional stillness, something that many mystics and spiritual seekers have known throughout history. Though thoughts on the meaning vary, when one casually sees the time 11:11 AM, it is thought to hold a special message or significance.
With a simply app and one touch on your mobile phone, we will use technology to bring people together at this special time of day and harness the power of millions of beings focusing their energy on positivity and gratitude regarding personal and global issues. This is a new and almost effortless way to create a massive shift in consciousness and collective wellbeing.
11:11 APP
It takes only one minute to:
BE in the moment.
REMEMBER who are.
FOCUS on what you are thankful for.
STRENGTHEN your personal faith.
FORTIFY your hopes and dreams.
SET intentions with integrity.
FEEL you are not alone and that you belong to the collective world family.
HARNESS the power to influence others with positivity.
EMBRACE personal responsibility for collective thought and energy.
KNOW that what you think and feel matters to the world.
SEE all others as your soul mates.
We kindly ask you to join us in making history and shaping the story of mankind.
We are starting with our app pre-launch “PROBONO Campaign” to entice Bono, the lead singer of U2, to join us for the first Jerusalem 11:11 ceremony on Aug 2026 in Jerusalem that will broadcast around the globe and to use his influence to inspire millions to join us in increasing the light in this world.
In order to do this, we need 1,111,111 views of the video about our app and 1,111,111 s
1) Watch the movie as many times as you like.
2) Share with friends and family by posting on your social networks or by sending an email. The more you share, the bigger our impact and the faster we experience firsthand how positive shifts can happen.
We will prove to our selves and to others just how powerful we are when we work as one. We will demonstrate how taking a moment everyday to contribute to the positive collective energy can change the world and make shift happen.